Landscaping and Manscaping
You can file this one under Sexual Education and Grooming! I'm talking about pubic hair, the hair down there that can be the subject of many 'romantic' conversations. Women have it and men have it, but women are put on blast about it constantly. And men need to take more time maintaining their nether region. So, I decided to write a little article on keeping the hedges trimmed.
Pubic Hair
Peach Fuzz
There are many names, just for the hair down there. It is such a common thing that it is necessary to give it many names, so that you can fit it into conversation better. It is a common belief that the purpose of pubic hair is to keep women from getting any "stuff" into their vagina and keep a guys sperm warm.
Image via Wikipedia
So what's all the fuss about? Well, in ye olden days people didn't have the hygiene skills to shave their monstrous muffs. "You know what's under my petticoat?" Today, men and women alike are getting sick of those little obnoxious hairs and are insisting they be shaved away.
To bare or not to bare is the question? Do we keep our vaginas shaved in submission to masculin pressure or can we grow our bush and be proud? To maintain an equilibrium, I vote to enjoy and combination of both.
At times, shaving can be annoying. From razor burn to cutting that tender skin, is it really worth it? To enjoy a variety of "hair cuts" is to be as flexible as possible. No one should be judging, or taking score. A given amount of hygiene is expected, and a fair trim is necessary! But let's just be fare, and be free to bare!
Yea, I went there and yea, you should think about it!!

You could shave or not. I don't care. You're smoking hot, although a little nieve.
March 28, 2012 at 3:23 PMThat's a beautiful pussy that you posted, shaved or not shaved.
March 28, 2012 at 5:29 PMVery interesting and lovely post.
July 16, 2012 at 11:30 AMnobody likes to chew on hair
August 25, 2012 at 9:53 AMthe great thing is if you don't like what you did it grows back and you can do it different
October 9, 2012 at 8:04 PMlove being shaved!
March 26, 2013 at 12:22 PMbeen shaved as a male for 15 years.dislike pubic hair and much more cleaner and arousing when the summer time comes as the breeze hits your dick and balls!
March 26, 2013 at 12:26 PMPost a Comment