Grimm :: Old Tales A'new
I've been watching this crazy show, Grimm since it aired on NBC a few weeks ago. Seven episodes into the first season, I am hooked on this great sci-fi crime show.
The new NBC hit has combined the tales and centered the show around the "last Grimm". A cop on the hunt to find deamons that appear to be human. In a world of evil and darkness, these stories take on a new, criminal light.
This show is so much fun to watch. I love the combination of CIS and Charmed. That's really how I'm seeing this movie. The magic is wonderful yet suspensful. The violence is delicious and it makes my mouth water. I love the legends and lore that are included in this dark drama. That's one think I truely miss from the show Charmed, the connections to great mythical creatures and magical beings. It's nice to see a fun show come a long that leaves us wanting to know more.

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