Mookychick I Love You
I applied for a freelance writer for Mookychick last night, and to my surprise, they responded this morning saying that they loved my work and would love to have me write for them. Excited? I definitely think so!

I discovered Mookychick.co.uk a few months ago. My niece inspired me to check it out and I've spent a lot of time clicking around. All of their topics are rad. A lot of my inspiration comes from the Mookychick site. I love seeing fellow writers that have the same passions.
There are some great topics on Mookychick. It's dominately a feminist group that touches on different alternative lifestyles. Hobbies, style, beauty tips, horoscopes, vegitarian recipes, geek girl section.
I plan on writing a few essays for them. There will be a rewrite of the SeXBox essay covering the rise and fall of Girl Gamers. I also plan on putting together a few LGBT articles and other what-not.
Here are some articles from Mookychick for you to look at. Please browse their website and get a look at what they have to offer. It's some kick ass stuff for sure!
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