What To Be Thankful For At A Time Like This

What is there to really be thankful for at a time like this? Something that isn't purely cliche or over done. Times are hard... nobody has a job. Money is hard to come by. People are becoming addicted to drugs, diagnosed with AIDS, cancer. Teens are killing themselves and blowing up schools. What is there to be thankful for? The list of shitty things is pretty long. It's hard to make heads or tales of what's going on out there in the world. Everyone is lieing and nobody can keep a secret. There seems to be no end to this downward spiral of bad luck facing the planet today. Shit, even the polar bears are getting the short end of the stick.
What's this whole blog post about? Being thankful. Well... thanks comes in many forms. Thanks is usually given to a person, but this Thanksgiving, maybe we should slow down and thank ourselves for the accomplishments we have made in our own lives. Holidays can be so stressful. Putting on the "holiday hat" to show your family that you are happy... and are comfortable spending a lot of money on useless consumerist products. But Thanksgiving can be a time of inner thanks and acceptance.
We've all done impressive things in our lives. Lost weight, given to charity, redecorated our kitchen, painted a picture or raised a child. Think about the times in your life when you have been proud of yourself. When you've pushed through when you thought you would fail. Celebrating our accomplishments, especially personal ones, is a great way to show gratitude on such a great day.
When you turn on the news after eating the turkey and watching the game and you see all the hateful things happening across America, feel sad, but remember all of the great things that you have done to better your life and the lives of those around you. We are not all superheros, and we are not expected to change the world... but putting a little faith in your own accomplishments will definitely give you something to be thankful for your entire life!
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