Miss Jane of the Week
"When you smoke the herb, it reveals you to yourself." - Bob Marley
(but I did say it was random). I have a bachelors degree in sociology from USC. My goals are to be a counselor for LGBTQ youth and an avid marijuana activist.
When it comes to my weed smoking habits, I began smoking in college at the age of 18. I started with a glass pipe. Glass is great, it's a wonderfully clean smoke and the glass pipes are all art themselves. A few years after I started smoking, I had a friend who introduced me to
the gravity bong (GB). Home made, with one 3 liter bottle inside a 2 liter bottle filled up with water. I love to get a huge hit off of the GB. It's only for the strong lunged people. I have to take a break from it every once in a while and go back to glass or paper. The GB only takes a small amount of green to get a huge hit. This is great
for the savvy smoker!
I should be chosen as Miss Jane of the Week because I want to gain a
bigger platform to spread the message of positive marijuana use and
culture. I am a social and human rights activist that is looking to
further her presence in the marijuana community, online and in real
life. I could be a great example for other women looking to become
soulful, educated, marijuana users.
You can get more information here: Ms. Jane
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