Zombie Prejudice : MookyChick
by Amanda Kirby
Zombies don't have prejudice. They're egalitarian fellows who'll eat anyone's brains. But we do. Let's join forces with the Zombie Rights Movement to work on our prejudice and media-fed stereotyping... together.
Zombie history - better to know thine enemy than to fear it
They've been around forever. We've feared them forever. But why must we condemn these poor creatures just because of the way they were made? Just like you and I, zombies have feelings. Zombies were people too.
The media have always focused on zombies' negative lifestyle traits. They've picked them apart and, just as they've done with every other minority, stereotyped them to death. And now we spend our whole time preparing manifestos on how to survive the Zombie Apocalypse instead of leaning back and saying "cheer up lads, it might never happen".
Fortunately, there are organizations designed to help spread zombie awareness and educate the living on the real lifestyle traits of the deceased.
The pop culture stereotype is that zombies are always evil and must be stopped. Not fair! The truth is, zombies are just doing what they do. Just because they are flesh eaters, doesn't mean they are doing anything wrong, no more than a lion is doing something wrong, or Necrotizing Fasciitis is doing something wrong. Let's not bring morality into it! Zombies are only acting on their survival instincts. And we can't blame them for that.
The Zombie Rights Movement - Death by blunt objects never, Activism now
The Zombie Rights Movement is an organization that promotes a positive (un)living experience for all people, dead or alive. Dedicated to fighting prejudice against zombies, the movement's members and supporters include both the quick and the dead.
Their goal? To promote all the Zombie Walks that are going on. Education is key! If you've got time to add yet another event to your activism schedule, you should definitely go and check them out. Support zombies and fly the grey flag! But wash the bloodstains out first.
Our local governments need to consider ways to better support our zombie friends, neighbours, families and even foes. If the UK Government is so vocal about the Big Society, they can't possibly deny that zombies deserve respect and protection of their equal rights. Pointing out that zombies are ficitional is really just evading the issue.
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